The Governors have a vital part to play in the life of our school. They are closely involved in many aspects of school life including finance, curriculum, personnel and building issues.
All parents of children in school have the opportunity to take part in the election for the Parent Governors positions at the end of their four year term of office.
At Aspull Church Primary School, we are very fortunate to have a Governing Body who take a keen interest in the school, and whose support is vital for its future.
Our Chair of Governors: Sarah Sutton
Our Vice Chair of the Governors: Fay Lamb
Our Pupil Premium Governor: Ben Winstanley
The Governing Body has a general responsibility to ensure that school is run effectively, acting within the framework of the legislation and the policies of the Local Authority (LA). They are responsible to parents and the LA, for the way the school is run. They offer guidance to the Headteacher who is responsible for the day to day management of the school. The School Governing Body meets at least once every half term.
The School Governing Body is an important link between parents, the school, the LA and the community. School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, they can not act individually.
Mrs S Sutton Chair
Mrs F Lamb Vice Chair
Mr H Smout Headteacher
Mrs A Appleton Clerk
Governors are appointed to:
Our school Governors include:
The Parent Governor must:
Pay Committee
Sarah Sutton - Foundation Governor
Stephanie Bateson - Parent Governor
Hannah Power - Foundation Governor
Ad Hoc Committee
Pupil Discipline; General Complaints; Staff Dismissal/Grievance/Appeals Committee:Three governors with no prior knowledge of the subject matter would be called to form these committees.
Headteacher Performance Management Reviewers
Sarah Sutton - Foundation Governor
Rebecca McCarren- Foundation Governor
Fay Lamb - Parent Governor
Specific Responsibilities
Languages - Fay Lamb
British Values/Protected Characteristics & Music - Andrea Knight
Computing & DT - Hannah Power
English & Curriculum - Ben Winstanley
Reading, Phonics & Art - Stephanie Bateson
RE & PSHE- Richard Towle
Science - Rebecca McCarren
History & Geography - Ben Winstanley
Maths & PE - Stephanie Bateson
Child Protection/Safeguarding- Sarah Owen
EYFS- Hannah Power
Children Looked After/Pupil Premium- Ben Winstanley
Compliance (GDPR/ Health & Safety & Website)- Andrea Knight
Sport Premium- Stephanie Bateson
SEND* - Sarah Sutton
Wellbeing- Rebecca McCarren
Attendance- Sarah Owen
Staff Governor- Mrs V Redfern
Sarah Sutton- Chair of Governors
"I became a Methodist Foundation governor in 2015, and am currently Chair of our Governing Body. In my role as governor, I have key responsibility for Safeguarding, as well 2 subject areas, maths and music.
David and I have 2 boys, who both attended Aspull Church school. I’ve worked for the NHS for over 20 years combining two very different roles, Prescribing Analyst and Management Accountant.
I’m passionate about supporting and contributing to our school community, in order to ensure that both children and staff are able to shine like stars, to achieve and make a difference in the world, knowing that with God, all things are possible."