Computing is embedded in our curriculum throughout each year group. Weekly discreet computing lessons are taught to ensure that computing objectives are met as well as cross curricular learning opportunities. We offer challenges, the use of different technology and engaging lessons that allow pupils to learn, be inspired and love their computing lessons. We provide pupils with a range of up to date technology to allow children to be fully immersed in their computing lessons giving them a wealth of knowledge about technology in the real world.
Through carefully planned and progressive lessons, children learn the essentials of Computing such as, digital literacy, coding and computational thinking, communication and data handling, together with learning the importance of e-safety. These fundamental skills are developed progressively and can be transferred and integrated into various curriculum subjects.
Computing is taught using the Purple Mash scheme of work, this scheme is used in all year groups from EYFS to Year 6, to allow continuity, depth of understanding and consistent teaching approaches. Each unit addresses at least one of the three key progression skills (computer science, digital literacy and information technology) and encourages children to build upon the skills learnt from the previous year group. The scheme follows a clear structure, whereby children all start the year with coding before covering each of the different computing strands. Our long term plan ensures coverage of the three key progression skills and e-safety, with a lesson on e-safety each half term followed by a block of online safety using Purple Mash.
Annually, we celebrate ‘Safer Internet Day’ which teaches children the importance of staying safe online. Various activities are undertaken by each year group on this day, designed to promote a safer and more responsible use of online technology.
The impact of Computing is measured in numerous ways. Weekly computing lessons provides teachers with the opportunity to assess children’s progression weekly. There is no specific assessment task for each unit however teachers can track pupil attainment in computing using the 2Simple Computing Assessment Tool for Years 1-6, this tool enables teaching staff to accurately identify the attainment of pupils through the detailed exemplification it has for each key learning intention. This allows teachers to decide if pupils are working towards, working at or working above.
The overall impact on computing at Aspull Church is evident, as well as more formal types of assessment to measure impact, we also value pupil voice, and use structured time to gather information for our pupils about how we can make our computing curriculum even more motivating and engaging. Pupils speak enthusiastically about the computing curriculum and look forward to their weekly computing lessons.